
“Coach Larry Brown has working with my sons, Logan and Donovan for over a year now. He has developed them into confident and fundamental players. My sons have much improved on their ball handling, footwork, agility, shooting, defense and offense. Also, Coach Larry focuses and emphasis on their Leadership, Teamwork, Hardwork and Discipline to success on the floor. Coach Larry have gone above and beyond, he came to watch our son’s games many times. He pointed out all the good and bad plays to my sons, and Coach Larry has applied the real games situation into my sons training session. We’re continue training with Larry and recommend Larry to anyone need to improve their basketball skills and IQ”.

– Brandon Duong

“Coach Larry Brown has been a personal basketball trainer to my son, James, for several years, and it has been amazing to see the results in his confidence and overall play. Beginning with a complete evaluation of James, Larry put a training program together that really allowed James to accentuate his athleticism while working on areas of his game that needed improvement. From footwork to ballhandling, and from shooting form to attacking the basket, Larry helped to progress James’ game as he began playing at higher competitive levels, including Mid-Maryland and AAU teams. As James cultivates his basketball career in high school, we fully intend to continue training with Larry to help him reach his maximum potential. I would not hesitate to recommend Larry to anyone looking to improve their basketball skills, from the beginning player to the most advanced. As a former college player himself, Larry really knows what it takes to reach the goal of being your very best, and it shows in every aspect of his training program.”

– Chris Chapin

“My kids and I have a excellent experience with Coach Brown. We plan continue training with him for years down the road.”

– Satisfied Parent


“My son Jack started working with Larry from Overtime Grind almost a year ago. He had never scored more than 6 points in a season prior to training with Larry but always had the desire to improve his game. Larry focuses on the fundamentals and this past winter he had the best season he has ever had with 42 points and double digit rebounds almost every game . My son loves the training and cant wait to do it — first thing he says when he gets home from school is “do we have training tonight.” I have had parents come up to me after games and ask me what Jack is doing because he has improved so much. Larry also focuses on good sportsmanship and building character which is very important. My son says he gets more from training with Larry for one hour than an entire week of basketball camp!”

– Eileen and Jack Haines

OTG not only taught my son skills on the court, they also encouraged, inspired and motivated him to work hard for what he wanted. My son can’t wait until the next OTG camp.

– Latonya Disney

“Coach Brown works well with kids. He’s all about developing the kids fundamental, real game situation and pay attention to the details. A lot of time, he spent extra time training the kids and He comes to my kids games.”

– Satisfied Parent

“I’d definitely refer a friend. In fact, my kids wear the OTG T-Shirt to the school for PE.”

– Satisfied Parent